Thursday, December 18, 2008

Go and make disciples of all nations...

THE GREAT COMMISSION...How often do we think of this commandment from our Lord? Especially when we are actually talking about other nations and not just our own. I know I am guilty of not thinking of it near enough...but man has it hit me full force.

I have been meaning to do this for a couple weeks now, but have not been able to sit down and put my thoughts together. A lot of you know my sister, Jill and her husband and two kids left for Rwanda, Africa on December 2 to do mission work there. They will be there for a minimum of 5 years. I, as the rest of my family, am so glad they are doing the Lord's work and that their kids will be able to grow up serving the Lord in such a special way. But a part of me wants to be able to bring them home whenever I want. That's the selfish and human part of us. I know the Lord has put upon their hearts the people/orphans of the genecide that happened over 10 years ago in that country. I love them dearly, and even though I will miss them more than I can say, will miss watching firsthand Fred and sweet baby Tess grow, learn and experience so many things, I will know that life is not about us and our wants and needs, but ultimately making disciples for our Lord and Savior.

Please pray for my sister's family and their team as often as you can. For their safety, learning the language, culture shock (as it sets in), the people of Rwanda and for us here in the states who will be missing them.

Chris, Jill, Fred and Tess - Thank you for giving up so much to give others so much! We love you!
Lucy and Tess
The grandkids
This girl is in love with her cousin, Fred

Tess with her Aunt Kaylee at the airport -
did I really let them take her with them on the plane?


Britney said...

Kaylee, Kaylee, Kaylee!! Without even asking, your sister and her family have been in our prayers and will continue to stay there. You and your family remain in our thoughts and prayers, too. You did a great job writing what was on your heart. Love you girl!

Amy Mac said...

Jill and Chris and the kids will continue to be in our prayers. I am just so proud of their decision and commitment and enormous sacrifice they've made. I will be praying for you and your parents and the Shelby family too as you also sacrifice being away from them. Love you! Amy

Bekki said...

This post makes me want to cry. I can't imagine Rwanda...Utah is hard enough. We will keep you in our prayers. XOXO

Unknown said...

Kaylee, thanks for your thoughts. You know I love you! We feel your love!

The Best Family said...

How did I miss this post before?? I am sitting here with tears streaming down my cheeks... what a precious tribute! Chris, Jill, Fred, and Tess are in my prayers!
Love you, K!

Jill said...

Your WHOLE family has made this sacrifice for all the people that Chris & Jill will affect in Rwanda. I can barely imagine how you must feel- my parents went to Cameroon for 5 weeks at a time, but 5 years... is a sacrifice by all. They will be in my prayers often.