Tuesday, May 5, 2009

(even more) Easter at the Jackson's

We had a great time at the Jackson's Easter party! The kids loved hunting eggs and playing with their friends. Brinton even got on the jump and bounce thing - he had tried it before at fall festival and would only sit on the edge - but he was actually jumping and sliding...I was shocked. They were sweaty, tired and wiped out at the end of the evening...

Brinton posing for me

Lucy kept putting the eggs in another boy's basket!

Hard to see - but Brinton sliding



Britney said...

So cute! That was fun - HOT, but fun!

Bekki said...

Lucy's smart enough to know not to put all her eggs in one basket - harharhar. ;o)

The Best Family said...

oh, no, Bekki!! That is too funny that Lu was putting them in his basket! I love watching the little ones hunt... they are so funny!! Sad that we missed this shindig this year... too many soccer games!!!!

Megan said...

Looks like you guys had fun!