Tuesday, May 5, 2009


My mom came on Easter weekend and we had tons of fun! We (my mom and I) went shopping. She let the kids hide the eggs in the house and then they'd find them (they did this too many times to count). They loved it and we're still finding eggs... Mimi also brought outfits for the kids to wear Sunday and they were too cute. Thanks!

Dying eggs
Look at us!
Look at me!
We went to the Roach's (Melissa's parents) after worship on Sunday. They love all of them so much and they are so good to our kids (and us:) They had lots of fun and especially cracking confetti eggs on people's heads...

Kite flying - Whee


Britney said...

Brinton got a two in one deal with Lucy - a headlock and swiping at her head to get confetti out! : )

Bekki said...

Cute Easter outfits! I like it that they all matched.
I hope y'all are doing well. Miss you! XO

The Best Family said...

love the headlock picture!! LOL! Their outfits are super-cute! b looks so old in the tie!