Monday, November 3, 2008

Dora and Diego

Well, here are my cute Dora and Diego. I am happy to say these costumes were CHEAP. After borrowing vests, rescue packs, Pam sewing some awesome Dora shorts, the total cost for me was about $ 8. YAY! We went to the church for trick-a-treat a trunk and had a great time with our friends!
Dora and Diego ready for action!

Check out the 'packs
Lucy kept wanting to hand suckers to everyone/anyone.
It's her new game to just keep getting stuff and handing it to you :)

My snuggle partner
Ohh, light...This pic is dark - but I put it in here just to show you how bright
her shorts were. No getting lost!

Meggie and Lucy being entertained by Haley


Britney said...

They were so cute! I love Brinton's hair! : )

Megan said...

I thought they looked sooo cute with their back packs, and you can't beat that price for costumes!

The Best Family said...

super cute! I didnt notice the hair until I saw the pics... who is the psycho in the witch's hat?

Bekki said...

Aw!!! They are sooo sweet! B looks like a model in that 2nd pic - looking back. lol
Again - huge fan of homemade costumes! Especially cheap ones!