Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Water Day!

The kids had their last day of Children's Ark a couple of weeks ago. They had a fun time. We are so glad they enjoy their time there so much. They love going - they talked about their teachers and their friends. It was so fun to hear their version of what happened at school. And I love hearing them sing songs from their Bible class. They're still singing This Little Light of Mine on a regular basis.

Lucy with her ball

Jace and B

Lu, B and Bry

She followed her brother everywhere

Our teachers
How did y'all put up with me all year!?


Bekki said...

You should really post a video of them siging "This Little Light of Mine"! I am sure it is too cute.

LOL - I can see Keri in there trying to get a pic of Jace.

The Perkins Family said...

What a fun year! So glad that our boys got to be in class together. They've grown up so much, huh. By the way, great family pictures!