Monday, April 6, 2009

Gators and Friends

Look at me - I'm holding an "addigator"

She didn't want Devan to help her - she said "I do it, I do it!" But she never got upset:)
You know you're in Louisiana go to a place called "Gators and Friends." Over Spring Break we were at my parents in Marshall, TX. It's only about 20 miles to the Louisiana border. We found this place where you could feed and walk among the animals and decided to check it out. When you walked through the building and came out into the animal area, the first thing you saw was a pit full of gators. Lucy loved it from the beginning, but it took Brinton a while to want to look at anything. But after a few minutes, he was feeding the animals and touching them. It was a really neat place with lots of exotic animals - zebras, deer, camels, capybaras, llamas,etc. Note: we didn't get to feed the alligators! I posted some pictures below of our fun trip - but the most exicting picture (at least to me) is the one above - my little LouLou holding an alligator (before anyone thinks I'm too crazy, notice the mouth is taped closed :)
Feeding the animals

Mommy feeding the llama for Macy (had to get her in a pic, too)


Bekki said...

First little Lu is brave with the big dog and now gators. Wow!
Cute pics - beautiful kids. Macy is getting so big.

TexasNeals said...

k, i'm totally mad at y'all! ;)
i can't believe you were so close and we didn't get to see each other! you'll have to let us know the next time you're in town so we can get together!! :)

Emily said...

Look slike lots of fun! I love that she is SOOO brave!