Thursday, February 26, 2009

Stroller mishaps and other stuff.

Well - I try to be a good mommy. So I had a basketball game on Monday and Devan was finishing up baseball practice. I decided to leave a little early and go to school and let the kids play on the playground before my game. I get out, put Macy in the stroller and head on - thinking this will be good times for all. When we get to the curb going onto the soccer field, I pushed the stroller up and onto the grass, turning to wait for the other two to follow. Usually Lucy loves holding Brinton's hand, but not today. She refused to come over the curb with her Brother and started to whine. Well, he didn't want to let go of her hand and she wasn't budging either. I looked at the stroller making sure it was good - took two steps to grab Lucy up - I turned to look and what I saw will be etched in my memory forever - it was like it was in slow motion and I was frozen - I saw the stroller rolling down the hill with my baby inside - I put Lucy down, ran down the hill and got to the stroller just as it stopped on level ground. I looked in quickly so see my precious Macy still sound asleep as if to say "what, mommy, why are you so terrified, I am having great dreams...." Well, I moved her around and checked her just to make sure. I am sooooo grateful she was fine but what I haven't mentioned yet is that there were witnesses. The cross country coach and a few of the runners were out there. The coach was actually standing right where the stroller stopped, looked at me as I was running down and asked "Is it empty?" "No!" I yelled. The look he gave me after we knew she was fine, well, let's just say it didn't help me in the thinking what a horrible mom I was department. But all is well and God was watching over us!

Here are a few of pics up of the kids . Everyone is seeming to adjust nicely with the addition of little Macy. She is doing well herself. She doesn't cry very much and is sleeping pretty good too. Her brother and sister enjoying kissing on her and making sure she's okay. Lucy says things like, "Don't cry, May May" and "it's okay" and her newest, "dust (just) a minute." (I wonder where she hears this stuff??!)


Cherrys said...

I'm sure we all have (or will have) at story like that to share! You are a great make 3 look do-able.

The Best Family said...

sweet lil May-May... only the first time of many that this sweet gal is going to have to hang on for dear life and "go with the flow" :o) Glad she is alright! You are such a great momma!! Love these pics! The one of Brinton cracks me up!

Britney said...

Oh mylanta! You poor Momma! I actually gasped and covered my mouth as I was reading - I am always so afraid that will happen to me, especially when I have both girls in the double stroller while walking down the big hill in our neighborhood. Glad all was well!!

Bekki said...

I did the same as Britney! I am so glad everything went well and little Macy is safe. She sure is a cute little thing! Of course all your babies are darling. I wanna hear Lucy talk! Tear.

Emily said...

Is it wrong that I didn't gasp when I read this, but laughed outloud very loudly? I guess b/c I'm not a mommy...I find these stories just hilarious! Of course..would not have been hilarious if she's been hurt! Glad she's okay and maybe by now you can laugh at it!

Amy Mac said...

You are not a bad Mommy! But, I totally understand how you feel with Jake's adventure last week with the jungle gym and hospital visit to follow! I'm glad Macy is OK and ignore the looks of those coaches! I love the pictures too...your kids are adorable :)

TexasNeals said...

CLASSIC! you'll be sharing that one forever! just think of all the struggling mommas that story will encourage, "at least you didn't let your baby go in a run-away stroller!!!" HA! don't worry kaylee, things like that happen to all of us! you are a great mom!! :)
macy is so beautiful and i love that they call her "may-may" sweet!
glad the adjustment has been smooth and that everyone is doing well! :)

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