Thursday, April 17, 2008


We spent Easter Sunday with Melissa's parents and family. They live in Buda and we drove there after church. Annie prepared a WONDERFUL meal and then we went outside so Brinton and Lucy could hunt easter eggs. Each had their own personal chaperone to help them. It was so much fun and nice to just sit back and watch while other people took care of the kids. (Which this family has done for us several times.)

I know this isn't a great pic...but what is Brinton doing?
I love this picture of LuLu

What's that?
Brinton cracking a confetti egg on his daddy

Mo and Brinton - best buds

Brinton cleaning up the confetti...He just walked over, got the broom, and started sweeping...Where did he get that from?


Bekki said...

B & L are so stinkin cute!!!!!!

Britney said...

I love that grin in the first picture - Brinton was clearly up to something!

Megan said...

Can you send Brinton over to our place to sweep out floors next?

Anonymous said...

You write very well.