Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Brinton has been officially potty trained for about two weeks. He had been pooping on the potty for months, but just couldn't seem to get the other down. A few weeks ago, we started taking him just to see what would happen. He didn't seem to interested, but after a couple of days, he said he needed to tee tee on the potty and has been telling us ever since. Hopefully the others will be that easy. He wears underwear during the day, and pull ups at night. His pull up is usually dry in the morning, and sometimes he'll come wake me up to go during the night, or go when he first gets up. We are glad to be buying diapers for one! At least for a few more months. ( I am starting to try and blog things like this just to help me remember, since I usually forget to write them down)


Britney said...

Oh the days of only buying diapers for one...well, we are still only buying diapers for one, but Emma's gift diapers are down to the last package, so we are about to start planting our diaper money trees...

Bekki said...

YAY!! Go Brinton!!!
And yay mommy!! Blogging more often to remember sweet things about the precious kids that deserve to be featured in your blog!
Love you Kaylee!!! :o)

Frances Outlaw-Jones said...

Good for you guys, Caleb is not ready to be potty trained, but all of his friends are. So we spend a lot of time sitting thre pretending, mostly because he like to wash his hands afterward. Guess you gotta start somewhere! Congrats on number 3 btw!