Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Brinton Talks About God

When I got home last night, Devan was telling me about putting Brinton to bed. They were in his room praying and when they were done, Devan started talking about the things God made and asking Brinton wasn't he glad God did all this. The conversation followed:

B: Yes....Where is God?
D: Where is he? Do you know?
B: In heaven?
D: That's right.
B: What does God do in heaven? Who's with him?
D: Do you know?
B: There's guys up there sining to him?
D: Yes, there is probably lots of singing in heaven. Do you know we can sing to God? Like when you sing Jesus Loves Me, you're singing to God.
B: (pondering a moment) I like singing to God....(sits there a minute)
Okay, daddy, goodnight.....

This was something else I wanted to remember. It was just a sweet story...I just pray he always wants to sing to God...


Mindi Tipps said...

What a sweet story! I like how Devan responds to Brinton's question with a question. You'll have a problem solver on your hands! =) I can imagine it makes you proud that even when you don't think he listens he hears you talking to him about God. So sweet.

Britney said...

How sweet! That is definitely something to write down & remember. I agree with Mindi, too ~ Good Job Devan responding with a question. It's never too early to start working on those higher-level thinking strategies!

Bekki said...

LOL - love it!
And I must agree with the other ladies - way to go Devan!
I love the "I like singing to God...okay goodnight" LOL Sweet boy.