Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Cry in the Night...

About 12:30 am we heard cries from Lucy's room. She will cry out sometimes in her sleep, but will stop very quickly and go back to sleep. Well last night the crying kept coming and then got louder and louder until it was screams. Finally, I knew something was wrong and was about to go check, but Devan got up right before me. When I followed after him in a minute or two, he was holding Lucy out in front of him in the hallway. He informed me that she had thrown up and is was everywhere. (It wouldn't have taken me long to figure it out, though.) Devan ran some bath water and I gave her a bath (poor girl, one thing about having so much hair is that it was covered in it) She seemed happy and ready to play as I scrubbed and scrubbed the smell off her. Wonderful Devan took on the job of cleaning her crib. He stripped the sheets, cleaned the railings, etc. and Lysoled (sp?) her mattress. After she was all cleaned up, Devan said he would take her in the guest room in case she was sick (which she sure didn't act like). I felt bad since he had had camp all week, but I offered and he said no. Well this morning, I got up at 9:30 (how nice for me) and looked in the guest room, then went downstairs and found : Devan asleep on the couch, cushions stacked high on either side of the chair so Lucy couldn't escape, and Sweet Lu on the floor amidst her toys, asleep. They are still sleeping (it's 10:30) and since Brinton didn't have a nap yesterday (he hung out with the older girls at camp yesterday) he is still asleep, too. It fells so quiet and strange. I think Lucy is fine (sour stomach maybe) but just thought I would share since I had some time.... (this may be one of my longest posts ever)


The Best Family said...

I think that is one of the rudest awakenings in the middle of the night... a baby and a bed covered in puke... so sorry for you and Dev and sweet LuLu. What a sweet daddy to take care of her for you! Hope she is all better today and that B is spared from the yukks!

The Loftis Family said...

She's actually doing fine today - no more throwing up, she's eating, etc. No other symptoms. So far, so good.

TexasNeals said...

dev was so sweet to clean that up. puke is even worse to me than poo!!! so glad she's feeling better! :)

Mindi Tipps said...

What a sweet daddy! Tell Devan we all said good job! =) Glad Lucy's doing ok and that you got a well deserved break!

Megan said...

Poor Lucy. I remember when Kennedy got sick the night before her 3rd birthday and threw up multiple times. The throw up in the hair was the worst! Tim went into protective Daddy mode that evening as well. Our kids are so blessed to have fathers that love them and want to shield them from any discomfort. Kennedy will still talk about that night today, being taken care off, getting to watch the Little Mermaid on the couch, throwing up in our bed, etc... Funny, but I think it is actually a positive memory for her. :)

Bekki said...

Oh man...I probably would have been dry-heaving the whole time I was cleaning it up. Poor Lucy (and mommy and daddy)!
Wow - you got some extra sleep - good for you. I am glad to hear little Lucy is doing fine today.

The Smith Family said...

So sorry Lucy wasn't feeling well- glad she is doing better. Griffin did that once and was fine after that.

Randi said...

Well Kaylee, it seems that you have trained Devan well! :) So sorry for that sweet baby girl, but so glad that she has a Daddy to love on her. And glad you got some rest...I'm sure you needed it!