Monday, July 27, 2009


A few hours ago, my mom, Brinton, Lucy and my niece, Nikki, pulled out of our driveway headed to Marshall!!! What have I done? It was sort of sad to see them go (I didn't think it would be as sad) We were putting them in their car seats hugging, kissing them and telling them to behave, etc. When Devan finished telling B bye he came around to Lucy and as I was telling B bye he said maybe I'll just stay home (with these little tears in his eyes). But you've been so excited about going to Mimi's, I told him. I think he realized he wouldn't see us for a few days and then just got sad. I talked to him a few minutes and then he was fine. (I knew how much he wanted to go and he loves his Mimi!) Lucy never shed a tear or even looked worried at all. She kept saying, bye momma, bye daddy, bye Macy and was just a smiling. They were both ready to go! I talked to my niece a little while ago and all is well! I'll go pick them up on Thursday... (I actually had some time to do a couple of new posts below :)Now - what to do?! ha


Megan said...

I am glad you are getting a little break. We need those every once in a while.

Frances Outlaw-Jones said...

My M-i-l wants to take Caleb and his cousin for a couple of days this summer. I would love a little break, but I know I will miss him like crazy!!!

Britney said...

WOW...from 3 kiddos to 1 kiddo...what's that like? Hope you had a great time and enjoyed your break for a few days!

Bekki said...

I hope you have enjoyed your break!! I must say that your little re-telling was a bit sad. I am glad B decided to go!

TexasNeals said...

awwww, bless your heart. they will have a great time...and you will get rejuvinated! :)
if you go to pick them up, you'd better call us!!! :)

Shelley said...

Hope you enjoyed a little slower pace!